Fab at Fifty Plus


Welcome to Day 3 of our Self-Care September Challenge!

Positive Affirmations – Speak Kind Words to Yourself

It’s Day 3 of our Fab Self-Care September Challenge, and today we’re embracing the power of positive affirmations.The words we say to ourselves have a huge impact on how we feel and how we move through the world. That’s why today’s focus is on speaking kindness and positivity into our lives.

Why Positive Affirmations Matter: Positive affirmations are simple yet powerful statements that can help shift your mindset, boost your confidence, and set the tone for a great day. By repeating affirmations, you’re not only reminding yourself of your worth, but you’re also training your mind to focus on the good, even when things get tough.

Today’s Challenge: Choose three affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them throughout the day. They can be as simple as “I am enough,” “I am strong,” or “I deserve happiness.” Say them out loud in the mirror, write them down in your journal, or keep them in your thoughts as you go about your day. The key is to believe in the words you’re saying.